Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
Fusion Center Request

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Please note that our normal office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Central Time.
If your request is URGENT, please call (866) 229-6220 to speak with an analyst.
All other requests will be processed in a timely manner during normal business hours.
Contact Information
Name & Title: Agency:
Email: Phone: County:
Check if you would like us to contact you so you can send us digital files attached to this request.
Subject Information
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Case Type
Offense Type: Case #: ORI:
Please provide a brief synopsis of the case to include desired information:
Fusion Center Analytical Tools
LETS Law Enforcement Tactical System - Provides Driver License Photographs, Vehicle Registration / Title Information, Rap Sheets, Department of Corrections Incarceration Data, Name Master Data to include Prior Addresses and/or phone numbers.
DDLS Provides Driver License photographs as well as historical photographs, signatures from DLs, prior issuance information, driver license forms completed for DL applications including associated vehicles / persons during skills exam, supporting documents presented for DL application / STAR ID.
LexisNexis Accurint - Previous/current addresses, phone numbers, possible relatives / associates, property records, assets such as vehicles / boats / aircraft, professional licenses, some criminal records.
Fusion Center Network Contacts in every state to coordinate requesting / receiving intelligence or obtaining information from out of state.
PenLink Phone toll analysis, link charts from phone tolls, frequency charts, tower mapping.
LPR License Plate Recognition - Set alerts for wanted license plates, query plates for travel through certain points.
FinCEN Financial Crimes Enforcement Network - Query individuals or businesses for large currency transactions or suspicious monetary activity at banks, casinos, money services businesses, or deposit institutions.
Alabama Secretary of State Query for corporation information by business name, agent, incorporator, or registered agent. Search for UC filings.
Other Other Tools

© 2025 Alabama Law Enforcement Agency